“I would like to start the HETP…what’s next?”

  • Go to Contact page
  • Complete the details and  intention to commence HETP
  • Homebase will confirm by sending an application form; starting / tuition fees schedule and further details form/s
  • Enrolment / Starting fee will be processed and confirmed
  • HETP ordered and dispatched (allow 3-5 days delivery)

“Who else can undertake the HETP?”

  • The appropriate person is the parent that will be responsible for the supervision of the student’s learning program.
  • Commonly, either one or sometimes both parents undertake the HETP;
  • The same could be the case for a grandparent i.e. if they were the full time carer; OR the support for the parent.  
  • Family members can always be a good support to the parents when they are undertaking the HETP. However
  • It is ONLY the primary parent (the one who will be supervising the learning program) who has the prime responsibility to undertake the HETP.

“How long does it take to complete HETP?”

  • The Home Education Training Workbook and the Philosophy of Christian Education (also known as WISDOM) can take 3 – 5 days to complete.


“How long does the RPT take to complete?”

  • This should be incorporated after completion of HETP.
  • RPT can take 2-3 days to complete.

“My children are aged 4 and 6. Will I need to complete RPT?”

  • Yes! This will prepare you to supervise both Kindi level and Prep to Level 1 using the A.C.E. ‘Multi-Sensory, Phonetic Reading Programs’

“I have no other experience with ‘educational tools’ such as phonetics etc. Can I REALLY do this?”

  • Yes! All the information that is required to prepare you to instruct and supervise your children’s learning program using the phonetic reading program is in the training program work booklet.
  • The Reading Programs workbook will have mini – tests (check-ups) and a final test at the end (also known as the PACE Test) to ensure you have successfully mastered all the information.
  • You will be surprised at how effective this style of training work booklet is for you to follow through and complete.


Homebase members may choose to attend the following conferences (at a nominal cost and dependent on accommodation etc.)

  • South Pacific Educators Conference : held annually in the Brisbane area (this is conducted by SCEE)
  • QLD Educators Forum: held annually and is dependent on the nominated hosting school; travelling is required.
  • Local PD Training by a nominated Speaker and organised by Homebase, as a support to network, etc.

“As a Homebase member, are the PDT courses compulsory?”

  • No, this is entirely up to each individual Homebase member.
  • However, the motivation and opportunities that are created through attendance always makes it well worth the effort!